Sunday, 26 June 2016

Trip into the Ruins.

Exploring Ruins,

Gathering Treasure, Disarming Traps.

... we delved into the Ruins again.

Explored a great part of the area, fighting bandits, skeletons, horrors unspoken of.

We faced traps & darkness, as our torches ran out.

We had no prayers to heal our wounds, but our occultist could mend them as well ... occasionally cursing enemies when we were well.

... at the end of it, one of us was grieviously wounded, second had heart attack.

We suffered from the stress, decided to escape with treasure we found - while we still could - without finishing fully the task set for us.

In the Town we celebrated our survival, meditated & so on.

There's a lot of danger before us still.

Fighting Bandits.

Fighting Skeletons.

... against horrors unspoken.

... Heart Attack.

Escaped with a lot of Treasure.

... Meanwhile, in a Town.

Celebrations & Meditation.

Town at Night.

Loss, Emptiness & Treasures.

... we've ventured into the dark a few of times.

... we've ventured too far this time.

there were treasures, but at what cost?

... meanwhile in a Town, our Occultist Bigod reached an Emptiness state, understanding that Fear is non-permanent ... he insists on a continued Meditation.

... we'll let him be.

Stress Relief.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

... The Best of the Best.

(a post under construction still).

... current class/profession/archetype ranking, so far:

1. Occultist, as long as it's not a terror.

2. Hound Master, for dogs can sniff assassins, engage them at distance as well.

3. Antiquarian, helps to find what we need more for a more difficult times.

4. Bounty Hunter / Mercenary, for a extra combat value.

5. Vestal, for she can heal & pray.

6+. ... we are flexible since this point.

A Occultist Meditating.

(a post under construction still).

... my favourite class / profession / archetype is a Occultist, as long as it's not a terror.
